About Us

Two different people from different cities with diverse interests and destinies met 15 years ago on the Internet. Remember when ICQ was one of the first messengers? That’s where we discussed our business and plans.

A lot of time has passed since then, and many projects have been started. As the saying goes, “fall seven times and rise eight times”.

One of us went to Australia, where he had a tremendous experience surviving with spiders and snakes. It was a great challenge for someone from eastern Europe. Also struggling with being overweight, grueling training, learning a different culture and language.

Another struggled with bad habits, crawling like a mole from his hole to see the world in its bright colors. Motivation, aspiration, a desire to change lives, and a favorite hobby always come to the rescue!

We have read over 300 books during this time and spent tens of thousands of dollars on educational courses and training.

All the time, we wanted to start our own blog where we would cover the answers to your questions and write our vision in different directions. We’ve been dreading it. Because it’s a big responsibility for us.

“The only brake on our future achievements is our doubts.” – Franklin Roosevelt.

But every time we went back to our messengers to discuss some or other questions, in the end, we decided to voice all our ideas and share our experience with you and answer all your questions.

In our decades, we have traveled all over Europe and a little bit of Asia, met thousands of new people (thanks to Postcrossing), and made many friends who are experts in their industries.

We were united by a goal and a dream. The goal is to help make people’s lives easier (with tips, product reviews, advice) or to uncover a number of different topics. That’s why our friends and I will do it for you.

“If you don’t make up your mind today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday.”

We will write about healthy eating (yes, yes, over and over again), working out at home, different hobbies (we all have them different), relationships in the family and with loved ones, how to learn how to make money from home and especially how to achieve any goal and always stay positive!

If you share our desire and ambition, we will always be happy to share our content with your friends and colleagues.

We’re open to communication, so write all your questions, requests, opinions, and feedback in the comments.

If you have an idea for a guest post and the topic fits our goals, get in touch. We’re human beings. We’re all in this life together. Let’s support each other and share all the things we’ve learned in our lives to make our lives even better, even happier, and more prosperous!

P.s. You might ask, why The Bigger Lovers? Because we’re always striving for the best, for the unique and everything we want to do more and awesome. More research + more people involvement + more content = a happy life for all of us!

Cheers to everyone’s health and the fulfillment of your desires. See you on the website šŸ˜‰Ā 

Alex & Vlady

“Only those who are willing to take risks swim far. Safe boats don’t go far from shore” – Dale Carnegie